Rise, Freelancer

Preparing the next generation of freelancers with education, employment & social mobility.


On a low income? Request an Academy Membership

Economic Contribution

The solo self-employed contributed £303 billion to the UK economy in 2021.

Long Runway

It takes an average of 18 months for a freelancer to become financially sustainable (we do it in 6).

Marginalised Communities

A financial safety net is often a prerequisite for new freelancers, which can be a limiting factor in starting up.

Student Freelancers

40.3% of students are running a side-hustle alongside their studies and 80.4% expressed a desire to engage in some form of entreprenurial activity after graduation.

In Partnership with

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What's The Problem?

The workplace of tomorrow will look unrecognisable and demand a more rounded skill-set than ever before. To meet modern challenges, you'll need to possess adapability, an entrepreneurial spirit and unwavering resilience.

All the while, freelancing is BOOMING! The rise in hybridised work and advancements in tech has seen an increase in demand for skilled freelancers over full-time employees. Millions of individuals across the globe are choosing to sell their skills as a side hustle or full-time freelance business.

And yet, new freelancers are failing as fast as they’re setting up. 20% drop off in their first year of business, whilst 60% don’t make it past 5. In reality, most new freelancers don’t register as self-employed to begin with and the figures are likely to be more stark than they suggest.

Most early-stage freelancers do not possess the confidence or the business know-how to generate a sustainable income. When support for 'entrepreneurs' is available, it tends to favour individuals with grand ambitions and ignores those with modest goals.

If we are to protect the considerable economic contributions made by freelancers and prepare a growing number of talented individuals for the current climate of work, we must change the way in which we support the next generation of talent.

Our Mission
  • Provide 1 million individuals access to freelance business training and support by 2026
  • Tackle the current freelance failure rate of 1 in 5 within their 1st year and 60% by year five
  • Create pathways for marginalised communities to consider freelancing as a viable career option
  • Address the stigma and change the culture around freelancing to be more aligned with its true value

Rise, Freelancer plans to achieve its mission by working with educational institutions, charities, social enterprises, local authorities and companies - all focused on the successful rise of freelancers as an essential part of the future of work and as valuable contributors to the economy.

We identify targeted groups to support equality, diversity and inclusion in line with shared ethical frameworks and moral obligations to the communities we serve. Via our cutting-edge EdTech, online learning tools, offline training programmes, dedicated team of mentors, resources, and engaged community, Rise, Freelancer aims to provide individuals with the essential building blocks for a brighter future.

Why Partner With Us?

Our campaigns create pathways for individuals to thrive and generate huge levels of engagement.

We forge relationships with educational institutions, charities, social enterprises, local authorities, and companies that ensure we empower the beneficiaries and showcase their value.

Collectively, we promote the positive impact our partners are facilitating, highlight the progress made by the beneficiaries and generate meaningful engagement between the partner and their audience.

Freelancers with Low Income

Freelancer Club provides a home for creative freelancers that are passionate about sharing their talent and adding value to society. We believe all freelancers should have access to business training, mind-set skills and mentors to bolster their creative ambition.

If you are unwaged or on a low income and are unable to afford the cost of a Freelancer Club membership, we offer FREE Academy Membership, which gets you:

  • Access to our Freelance Courses
  • Access to our on-demand Masterclass Library
  • Access to Live sessions
  • Monthly Mentor Sessions

To sign up please first create an account on the Freelancer Club website (click JOIN THE CLUB from the homepage) and then email support@thefreelancerclub.co.uk with the heading "ACADEMY MEMBERSHIP" and we'll set that up for you, no questions asked.

The membership will last for a year, and if you're still in need of it at that point you can just email us again.

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