Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about The Freelancer Club is here! From becoming a member and accessing freelance jobs to accessing all our benefits and cancelling (but WHY!) plus everything in between.

Aspire Membership is free. You can join the club and create a basic profile, upload images, send a set number of messages, post collaborations ('Collabs') or jobs, like and comment on other member's work, and access certain resources.

The following prices are in pounds sterling (GBP). For US dollars, visit the Comparison page and switch to USD pricing.

Starter Membership is billed monthly at £9.99 or bi annually at £47.95. The bi annual option comes with a big saving that equates to just £7.99 per month saving 22%. Starter Members can apply to jobs under £250, post and apply for collaborations, compose in-mail to contact other members, rank higher on the Freelance Directory, can add 120 images to their profile, promote work on the Latest Projects page, create portfolio galleries, access all discounts, download legal documents and receive priority at events.

Pro Membership is billed monthly at £19.99 or bi annually at £69.95. The bi annual option comes with a big saving that equates to just £11.66 per month saving 43%. Pro Members can apply to unlimited jobs, post and apply for collaborations, compose in-mail to contact other members, rank higher than Starter members on the Freelance Directory, add 120 images to their profile, promote work on the Latest Projects page, create portfolio galleries, access all discounts, download legal documents and receive priority (often free access) at events.

Click here to see our comparison page.

Occasionally members wish to cancel their membership. Reasons include a change in career, moving to another country, or you're simply not getting value from your membership. If its the latter, before giving up, drop us a line and we'll take a look at where you might be going wrong with a free consultation.

Should you be adament that you wish to cancel your membership, your account will be demoted from a premium membership to an Aspire (free) Member on the final day of your term.

To cancel your membership, click your Profile icon then click Settings. In the Settings area, click the Cancel Membership button and follow the steps to complete your cancelation.

Please be aware that by cancelling your Membership you will lose all messages related to jobs and images that you have uploaded to the site related to the Membership allowance. You will also lose all paying Membership privileges such as the ability to apply for jobs, enrol in Freelance Courses and Masterclasses, download documents and access discounts.

We cannot cancel on your behalf. You must cancel directly on the platform.
To update your Credit Card details, click My Profile - Settings - Update Card Details. Click here to go straight to the page.
It is rare for a member to want to remove a profile, however, from time to time members wish to completely remove their profile from the site when they change job.

If you have an Aspire Membership that you wish to completely remove from the site, you can do so by clicking on your Profile icon, choose Settings, scroll down to the section 'Delete Account' and follow the steps to compete the process.

If you are a Starter or Pro Member, you must cancel your membership first and then follow the steps above to remove your profile.

Bear in mind you will lose all benefits, content and exposure should you choose to remove your profile completely. They will not be saved if you choose to come back and rejoin the Club.

Profile Image

To upload a Profile image, click on your Profile, choose My Profile, click Edit Profile and follow the steps to upload your image. Make sure your Profile image is clear and inviting. We suggest using a picture of yourself or your logo to build the trust between you and the viewer but using a portfolio image is perfectly acceptable. The Profile image can adapt to any dimension but a square image tends to work best. Keep the image to under 1mb in size and in .jpg or .png format. You can also upload a Banner image here too.

Your Details

The more information you provide, the more likely you are to get the job. Why? Because employers will have many applicants to choose from and they don't want to scramble around looking for your details. Make sure you include your social media links too so others can connect and keep in touch. Another tip is to add in your skill set as this will make you more 'searchable'. Keep you About Me section short and sweet but ensure you include a bit about you as a freelancer. This is an opportunity to tell the world about your experience, so name drop and BIG UP YOURSELF!

Your Portfolio

To upload images to your Portfolio, click on Profile, then My Profile and choose the Portfolio tab. Click Upload to add a new Project and add images, videos, or text to showcase a variety of past projects in your portfolio.

"Quality over quantity". Particularly when you're starting out as a freelancer there is a temptation to include every image you've ever worked on - DONT!. Employers much prefer to see quality images over repetitious shots. Diversity in you portfolio can show your range and increase the chances of landing different types of jobs whilst showing your identity has many advantages.

Applying for jobs couldn't be easier. Once you're happy with your Profile, visit Search Jobs under the JOBS menu and search for positions that you'd like to apply for. Use the search filters to choose location, job type and any key words you'd like to include.

When you've found a job that you'd like to apply for click on the APPLY button and SEND QUOTE. Add a job proposal, a quote and choose which portfolio images you'd like to show the client first. That's it! The employer will receive a notification to say that you've applied and will decide if you're the right freelancer for the job.
Every job is different and every freelancer has their own rates. Your rate will depend on a number of factors including your experience, your level of expertise, even your location in some cases. For help figuring out your rates, we have an entire section on our blog dedicated to pricing with helpful tips, a list of rates in various professions and an method to work out your bottom line. Visit the Pricing section of our News and Articles section to learn more.
When an employer receives an application to a job, they can choose to mark you as unsuccessful, shortlist you or give you the job. When the employer chooses one of these options, you'll be notified via email. When you land a job you'll receive the employers contact details. If you get the job, the employer will be prompted to message you with the details.

One of the best features on The Freelancer Club is the ability to promote your Profile. When an employer or another freelancer is looking for a freelancer they will typically use our Find a Freelancer feature. This allows the viewer to search for freelancers by location, skill or discipline. When they run a search, the list of applicable Profiles will appear in a certain order. The order of the Profiles is calculated by a number of factors based on whether the Profile is a Starter, Pro or Aspire Member, if the Profile has been award a TFC APPROVED badge, how active the Profile is, reviews, and how many likes the Profile has received. Here's the order from top to bottom:

  • A Pro Member with a TFC APPROVED badge with the most LIKES
  • A Pro Member with the most LIKES
  • A Free Member with the most LIKES

Reviews are factored into the algorithm. To promote your Profile and get to the top of the rankings, you must have a full portfolio, promote your images to others to gain more LIKES (use the social media share buttons) and be award the TFC APPROVED badge.

To check your messages, click on the envelope icon at the top of the site. If you have new messages, the icon will show a number. Once you've clicked into your messages, you will see your inbox on the left hand side. Simply click on the message you wish to read and you will see the whole message. You can reply here too.

To delete a message, check the box beside the message on the left and choose the LIST icon above the inbox then click DELETE.

To send a group message, choose COMPOSE (a new message) then type the name of the person you'd like to message and click their name when it appears on the list. You can add up to 8 people in a group message and they will all be able to see the conversion and reply to the group (a great way to collaborate).

Aside from using the Social Media share buttons on each image page, to promote your Portfolio you must allow your work to appear on the Latest Projects Page when you first upload it. The Latest Projects Page is a shop window for freelancers to promote their work. We actively promote the Latest Projects Page to the best publications, brands and advertisers around the world to help you gain exposure and potentially get published or sell your work.
Good question, glad you asked. Finding Freelancers is easy. Click on the Freelancers menu option under 'DISCOVER' and use the filters to run a search. Click on Profiles you like and send them a message. If you're a bit shy, you can always LIKE their work by clicking on one of their images and pressing the LIKE button (the heart icon) below the pic. If you'd like to say something about the image, leave a COMMENT (try to be nice!).

Alternatively, you can hire a freelancer by clicking the JOBS menu then choosing 'Post a Job'. From here, fill in your job details and you'll start to receive applicants in a matter of minutes. You can manage your applicants by clicking on the JOBS menu and choosing MY LISTINGS.
To find a specific Freelancer, you can post a job or collaboration and let them come to you! Posting a job is fast, free and effective. Go to the JOBS menu option and choose POST A JOB (or click Find a Freelancer on the top right hand button on any screen). Fill in the job specifics and be as detailed as possible (do not include an email address or telephone number as these will be excluded). The more information you include, the more likely you are to find the right candidate. We always recommend including a budget, no matter how small, as it will improve your chances of finding the perfect candidate and increase the chances of them showing up! We DO NOT post jobs that are Unpaid for commercial gain - check our our Twitter campaign #NOFREEWORK.
Once you've posted a job or collaboration, next you must choose your favourite. Log in and, under the JOBS menu item, choose MY LISTINGS. In here, you can manage all your posts. Choose the post you'd like to manage. Here you'll see how many applicants have applied. To manage them click MANAGE (the green button on the right). Now, you'll see all the applicants who have applied for your role. You can look at their portfolio and bio then choose if you'd like to Shortlist them, mark them as Unsuccessful or award them the Role. Always follow up successful candidates with a message about the role and provide them with the details. A really cool feature is Separate Group Messaging (stay with me!) so if you have a Shortlist and you'd like more info from all your Shortlisted candidates, you can send the same message to the entire list. The beauty is that they will receive the information without seeing the others in the message and reply back as an individual message (like BCC in an email). You can also Group Message so everyone is involved, but we'll get to that later.
Legal Documents is an amazing resource for all your contracts, and agreements that you'll need. Choose the document you'd like and hit DOWNLOAD. It will automatically download to your computer and away you go! You can edit the templates using the tips we've provided.
The Discounts directory has tons of discounts for brands that freelancers use all the time. Discounts are found under the RESOURCES menu.

Choose the Category you'd like discounts on and you'll see a variety of businesses and brands at your disposal. Click on the button to reveal the discount and start saving.
To enrol in our on-demend short Freelance Courses, click on ACADEMY, then Freelance Courses. Find the course you'd like to enrol in and click Enrol. Freelance Courses are reserved for premimum members. If you are an Aspire Member and would like to gain access to all of the Freelance Courses as well as other Academy features, click Upgrade and choose a premium membership that suits your needs.
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